Sunday, September 29, 2013

If you could live anywhere, where would you live, why would you choose that place

           If I could live anywhere I would live in a cruise ship.
           Why you ask? Well for starters you can wake up to a stunning view every morning, who wouldn't like that, you wake up all woozy and then Foosh you pull open your curtains and you see mountains and glaciers and open your doors to the balcony and smell the fresh air its better than  smelling your cup of coffee in the morning at home.
            Another reason is you can go to so many countries and places but you only have to pack your bag once! Like really if you wanted to go to Spain, Ireland and then Portugal do you know how much times you have to pack your bags then unpack them? On a cruise its a different story, its like your hotel follows you around no need to worry if you forgot something because you can just run back to the ship and get it. While if you go on a plane and then you just remember your house keys in the safe in your house well that sucks.
            The third reason I would like to live on a cruise ship is because I can tailor the cruise to my own style and taste.There are so many opportunities to do something, or nothing depending on your mood. I can take a culinary course if I want when I am in the mood for cooking or to learn something new, if I feel lucky one day I can go to the casino and do a few slots, if I feel stress there is always a spa I can go to, and of course there has to be a workout room just in case I get a little too fat from eating their delicious foods.
            This is why I would want to live on a cruise ship.

Jake Leung 8B


1 comment:

  1. Living on a boat would certainly be interesting in that you could visit a lot of different places. However, I would think that living on a boat would be confining after a short period of time.
    All of the things you mentioned actually have little to do with actually living on a cruise ship. They are all things that can be done off the boat itself.

